Southern Lancaster County Farmer-Sportsmen’s Association

Southern Lancaster County Farmer-Sportmen’s Association is a group of firearms, archery, and conservation enthusiasts of every background. We provide our local community with a safe and friendly atmosphere for improving marksmanship, encouraging mindfulness of our natural resources, and enjoying camaraderie among all ages. Our common enthusiasm for the intricate world of firearms, bows, and rods gives endless opportunities for new friendships.
Bulletin Board
SHOOTING HOURS: Sunday 12:00 – Sundown, Monday – Saturday 8:00 – Sundown. These hours apply to all shooting, except official trap shooting under the light. In the case of bad weather, contact the activity chairperson(s) to verify if their activity is being held.
For Current Sundown Hours Please visit this link –
- Effective 8/6/2024 and until further notice the 200 yard steel has been removed.
- The Club is looking for a Volunteer Coordinator to help the organization. If you are interested in helping the club please reach out to the Executive Committee.
- If you have NOT been receiving the bi-monthly newsletter it is the club members responsibility to contact the club. We have no way of knowing you are not receiving the newsletter.
- IMPORTANT: Steel Target Sop Info, Click link STEEL S.O.P.
- R3 CLOSED during Trap shoots. Please check the calendar.
- Absolutely no outside targets other than paper!
- New Member Orientation has started. Please use this link to register –
- To check and see if your renewal has processed please click here. If your renewal is not present please note that this is posted as in process.

Southern Lancaster County Farmer-Sportsmen's Association
Southern Lancaster County Farmer-Sportsmen’s Association